Women of Excellence ministry

This year, 2021 was our Uganda National year of Elections of the National Political leaders; the new president and other civic leaders from the various political parties.

In December and January, when campaigns by political parties were going on, there was a sense of insecurity. So, the Women of Excellence committee resorted to prayer for campaigns. The idea and plan were declared to the Women of Excellence forum and was embraced.

The date for the Day of Prayer and Fasting was decided for 9th Jan 2021

Our theme was “Where does our help come from” (Psalms121:1-2)

We held it on our Women of Excellence Forum

Our Devotional Speaker was Dr. Canon Mrs. Rebecca Nyegenye

Unfortunately, that was the day we buried my brother, so I missed the meeting

We praise God that one of the members of Women of Excellence was willing to foot the Day’s cost. It takes quite a bit of money to cover the costs of Data, Airtime and sms to run the Day of Prayer

Those who participated were about 80 ladies in number

We praise God for using our Speaker, Dr. Canon. Mrs. Rebecca Nyegenye effectively to us, especially as Women, She pointed us to God in those times of perplexity and weeping and looking for where to get help; when we are tempted to look to achievements or fame or humans. She emphasized that the only place to look as the psalmist said is the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth in Psalm 121:2-3 “My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip – He, who watches over you, will not slumber; …”

She reminded us that the LORD is ever present with us. He does not slumber or sleep. He does not get tired or forget us. He cares for us.

Her sharing was indeed motivational!

BY Mrs. LOIS SERUYANGE coordinator and Chairperson

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